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Random Would You Rather Questions

(would you rather) Classic dilemmas where you have to chose between two alternatives. All thought there is value in the answer to each of the questions the greater value is in why a given option was chosen. This format tends to appeal to guys.

Random Would You Rather Questions

Would you rather be the smartest person in your peer group or the most attractive person in your peer group?

Would you want to be forever 21 years old physically if it meant that you were also forever 21 financially?

Would you rather eat one and a half pounds of icecream in under 60 seconds or run 5 miles?

Assuming that the pay is the same would you rather work as a statistician or as a childrens entertainer performing for kids under five years old?

Would you rather shave your eyebrows or accidently send a nasty computer virus to 1000 of your friends, classmates and colleagues?

Would you rather have your own action figure or a wildly popular YouTube video?

Would you rather look better in photographs than you do in person or look better in person than you do in photographs?

Would you rather have a classic 1969 convertible Mustang or have the use of a beach side condo any time you want?

Would you rather be unable to see for one day or unable to use your phone for one month?

Would you rather have many causal friends or one close one?

Would you rather be riding coach on a trans-continental flight caught between a fighting couple or have a bee sting you on the face.

Would you rather be able to travel to the 3 most amazing places on earth or have ever meal you eat for the rest of your life prepared by a gourmet chef?

Would you rather have a vending machine eat your money and give you nothing in return or get stopped at every red light on your way into work?

Would you rather be able to fly or turn invisible?

Would you rather have to speak in rhyming couplets for the next 48 hours or have an embarrassing feature about yourself run on tonight’s local news?

Would you rather receive $1,000,000 as a sure thing or have a 50/50 chance at $1,000,000,000?

Would you rather communicate only by text message for the next four days or eat nothing but Mac & Cheese for the next three weeks?

Would you rather win the Nobel Peace Prize or have the $1.2 Million that comes with the prize?

Would you rather be able to paint like an renaissance master or be able to put anyone at ease in a conversation?

Would you accept a life as a successful artist making 4 times your current annual pay if it meant that your art was considered offensive by one of the worlds major religions making you unwelcome in many countries and attracting unwelcome, often hostile, attention from people in your own county?

Would you rather have to sneak across the US - Mexico border or work as a sparring partner for a welter weight boxer for the next two weeks?

Would you rather have a boring repetitive job that paid $90,000/year or an engaging job that you really enjoy but it pays $45,000/year?

Would you rather be a highly paid professional athlete or serve as the president of a prestigious university?

Would you rather be able to lie without being caught or always be able to tell when someone is lying?

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